In a nutshell, let me tell you my overall opinion about this treasure hunting flick, and it is this:

I Watched It Only Out Of Politeness, Not Out Of Enjoyment.

I had respect for this movie because I watched the National Treasure (Part 1) last year...little did I know that the sequel would be a DUM-DUM.

Imagine collecting a series of far fetched ideas, conspiracy theories, lame car chases, boring high-school historical facts, etc....and have an instant film entitled National Treasure (Part 2).

Don't get me wrong, though. There's still some good in the movie...and that's Diane Kruger. I think I managed to watch the entire two hour movie just because of her and nothing else. She's got more curves now, and err...she's less wholesome in many aspects. For a while, I thought I was watching a Helen of Troy sequel (which, by the way, also stars Diane Kruger).

Here's some scenes from the film. Enjoy:

I still recommend this movie, especially for those who enjoyed the National Treasure (Part 1). Although the sequel wasn't as good as the first film, you would feel a certain attachment to the characters. You'd be able to skip the trouble of figuring out what the movie is all about. That aspect in itself has a very high entertainment value.

I give this film 2 stars out of 5.

But it's still worth adding to your collection. Who knows, this might turn into a trilogy.