written by Cyrus

We all know that this is one of the best selling video releases of all time, but should you empty your wallet for the super duper extra expensive "Ultimate 2-Disc Edition"? Or should you stick to the regular plain old opposite of ultimate 1-disc normal edition?

While “The Dark Knight” is a superb brooding and dark crime drama of a superhero movie with the best villain in recent memory, “Iron Man” is a bright, colorful and funny action film that's got the best hero. Robert Downey Jr brings his A-game to playing Tony Stark and he is fully three-quarters of the reason why “Iron Man” is so tits. Anyway, if you read Spill, you KNOW how we loved this so let’s go right into the only reason for writing a review of the new “Iron Man: Ultimate Two-Disc Edition”...the extras.

The movie is just the movie, no director's cut waiting for you here I'm afraid. Frankly I’m surprised since some of the stuff left on the cutting room floor would have added to the film in a positive way, but what do I know? I’m sitting here in just my jogging shorts (not that I actually jog in them) eating cheerios and writing out the best parts of the four or so hours I spent watching the bonus stuff on a superhero movie. Clearly, somewhere in my life I took a wrong turn...

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